cold camp

Why Paradigm

Told it can’t be done? Prove them wrong

As your needs evolve, you’ll find Paradigm uniquely placed to respond with speed and flexibility. As a privately-owned global business, our product development focuses on solving diverse real-time user challenges, unencumbered by bureaucracy, fueled by innovation.

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cnc milling machine


Our team stays as close to the end user as possible, listening to and understanding your pain points, to ensure our solutions are user-focused. Naturally, this is supported by a world-class in-house team of engineers and technical experts with market-leading credentials.

sand dunes

Global reach &

With Europe’s largest satcom warehouse, Paradigm’s global reach and distribution expertise is very well established and exceptionally responsive.

man holding device

track record

More than 25 years designing for military, government, SOF, NGOs and commercial operators, has resulted in a strong reputation for performance and reliability.

It’s given us one less thing to worry about on the road. We know we can transfer everything we need securely, and there’s no issue getting it to where we need to be and setting up quickly…

microchips on a circuit board

Pushing the boundaries

The world’s most advanced satcom technology only helps if it’s simple to use. Striking this balance in a way that’s practical and economical for our end users, is what sets Paradigm apart. Our extensive, continual R&D program is informed by users’ real experience in the field; the challenges you consider most important to overcome.

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Paradigm values and vision

The values of innovation, performance and simplicity are at the heart of everything we do.

Our vision is to ensure however critical the mission, everyone who uses satcom, wherever they are in the world, is confident that their communications capability will make the challenge easier.

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Although our research and development is managed in-house – like our manufacturing – to ensure the highest levels of quality and consistency, we also work selectively with world-renowned institutions such as the European Space Agency (ESA) and Eurostars, to achieve revolutionary advancements in satcom technology and application.

The world’s most advanced satcom, made simple

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Book a demo

If you have an application that requires:

  • Simple operation
  • Fast, agile deployment
  • Reliable environmental performance

Or maybe all three…

Book a demo today.
